Name: CH Tempest's Right On The Money
Pouch Cove

Birthday: July 13, 2009

Health Clearances: none yet

Also Known As: Zoe-ble

Loves: BARKING!!!! Biting Kendall

Hates: Being told not to bark

Bad Habits: Barking (do you see a trend here?)

Career Highlights:
Puppy Working Group 2 - CT River Match
Best In Sweepstakes - Cape Cod KC Supported Entry
Best in Sweepstakes - Morris & Essex KC Regional
WB, BOW - 4 point major - Wine Country 2010
WB - 3 point major - Genessee Regional Specialty 2010

Bred By: Steve & Dejah Petsch & Betty McDonnell

Owned By: Steve & Dejah Petsch & Peggy Helming
Cute Zoey at 7 weeks of age.
Zoey wins a Puppy Group 2 at the CT River Working Group Match under
judge Sara Gregware!
Zoey wins the Sweepstakes at the Cape Cod KC Supported Entry - she is
third in line here.