Name: CH Tempest's Kilyka Surely You Jest
Birthday: May 29, 2007
Health Clearances: OFA Hips Excellent, OFA Elbows Normal, OFA
Heart Cardiologist Normal, OFA Thyroid Normal
Also Known As: Squirrely B
Loves: Getting hugged, jumping up to get hugs
Hates: Baths, listening to too much barking
Bad Habits: Excessive jumping!!!
Career Highlights: Best of Opposite Puppy in Match - NCNE Fall Fun
WB (3 point major) - Windham County KC
WB (4 point major!) - Lebanon County KC
Owned By: Steve & Dejah Petsch & Betty McDonnell
Shirley at 8.5 weeks of age.
Shirley and her brother Stonewall are ready for their first Christmas!
Shirley was Winners Bitch, Best of Winners, and her brother Stonewall was Winners Dog at their first show weekend!
Shirley and Steve on the move in Wrentham, MA on their way to a major!