Name: GCH Tempest's Double Take
Birthday: December 2, 2008
Health Clearances: OFA Heart Cardiologist Normal
Career Highlights:
1st Place 6-9 puppy Regular and Sweeps Classes, Best in Puppy
Sweeps, Best Puppy and Puppy Group 2! - Bear Mtn Regional
Best In Sweeps - Genessee Regional Specialty
Winners Bitch - 3 point major! Wine Country Circuit 2009
Best Puppy in SHOW! - Ramapo Valley KC 2009
WB, BOW - another 3 point major! Ramapo Valley KC 2009
WB, BOW, BOB, Puppy Working Group 1! - Worcester Cty KC
WB, Best in Sweeps - New Pen Del Regional 2010
1st Place Am Bred - 2010 NCA National Specialty
Bred & Owned By: Steve & Dejah Petsch & Brenda
Sabina at 4 months of age (on the right) with her sister Dottie.
Sabina enjoys winter in snowy Massachusetts!
Sabina wins Best Puppy at the Palisades KC show under breeder judge Barbara Finch!
Sabina goes on to Best Puppy In Show under judge David Osbourne!
Sabina followed up Saturdays wins with a 4 point major on Sunday from the 9-12 puppy class under judge Judy Goodin.
Sabina is Reserve to a major at the first show in the Wine Country Circuit under judge Virginia Lyne.
Sabina wins a 3 point major from the puppy classes at the Elmira KC show under judge Doris Cozart.